
Showing posts from August, 2024

Deep Work Techniques

    The most productive man alive:  Cal Newport.  His books have sold 2M+ copies, he has a PhD from MIT, and he doesn't work past 5 pm. Here's his secret to Deep Work:   I used to spend hours doing tasks that were supposed to take 5 minutes. But when I started my now 7-figure agency, I needed to change something. That's when I learned what deep work was and how to focus on command. Here's Cal Newport's protocol for deep work:   Deep work involves using intense, distraction-free concentration to push past your cognitive limits. Why is that important? Because the end products of deep work have insane value and are difficult to replicate.   For instance, JK Rowling finished writing Harry Potter after locking herself in a hotel room for six months. Bill Gates coded the first version of BASIC in an 8-week sprint. Mark Zuckerberg programmed Facebook in 2 weeks. ...

How To Manipulate Others

  How To Manipulate Others. Here Are 10 Of The Most Notable Laws   How To Manipulate Others. Here Are 10 Of The Most Notable Laws   1.)     Law 1: Never Outshine the Master - Avoid overshadowing those in power, as it may lead to envy and resentment. 2.)     Law 3: Conceal Your Intentions - Do not reveal your true motivations and goals, as it gives others the opportunity to thwart your plans. 3.)     Law 6: Court Attention at All Costs - Create a strong presence and draw attention to yourself to gain influence and power. 4.)     Law 9: Win through Your Actions, Never through Argument - Demonstrate your abilities and competence instead of engaging in pointless debates. 5.)     Law 15: Crush Your Enemy Totally - Avoid leaving any room for retaliation or future threats from your adversaries. 6.)     Law 16: Use Absenc...

Quotes For Life

Quotations by Winston Churchill, Carl Jung, Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin , Aristotle, Plato, Marcus Aurelius & Marcus Tullius Cicero.   Quotes For Life "You will never reach your destinationif you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks."       Winston Churchill